mercoledì 21 novembre 2007

Thanksgiving Feast: American Style

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, Americans are looseinging their belts and preparing to stuff their faces. Tables laden with turkeys, stuffing, potatoes, and cranberries immediately come to mind when the 3rd Thursday of November is mentioned.
As its name implies, this dayis designated for giving thanks. What is interesting is that Americans choose to express their thanks by overeating. America is often referred to (by Americans at least) as the land of plenty, but there is a time when appreciating the land´s bounty turns to excess anbd enjoyments turns to indulgence.
The American clture of eating is a bit of a dichotomy. On the one hand, Americans are known around the world for being diet-concious. On the other, we have one of the fastest growing rates of obesity.
It seems that over-indulgence on Thanksgiving is just one sign of American´s unhealthy attitude towards food. Very few people find a blance with food that they incorporate into their lives. Instead food has become an obsession. We live in a fast food cutlure, but also of eating disorders. Americans indulge in tfood when they are upset (nachos, beer, pizza, french fries etc...) yet American women are always upset about how much weight they ´need´to lose.
What is the solution? Obviously a lifestyle overhaul is in order. It is a huge problem, but instead of getting upset about it.....I think I´ll run out to McDonald´s and forget about it.

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